Bachelor Nick Finale: And the rose goes to…

Bachelor Nick Season Finale

There were more tears than ever before. Every scene dripped with feelings and questions and more feelings. Entire surfaces were draped with various pelts and animal themed blankets. Creepy Jolly Old St. Nicholas made an appearance, as well as Donner and Blitzen. But at the end of the day, one thing stood out as the moment we will remember, and it’s not that Harrison’s hair was off:

Husky puppies will always trump finding love in Finland.

The following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. However, if you or someone you Snap Chat happen to personally know, sort of know, is friends with the CrossFit trainer who was slightly disappointed but mostly pleased with the Gilmore Girls revival and looks exactly like one of the contestants on the show…none of this is personal and I’m sure they are all lovely people.

After wandering the tundra for a few hours to process his feelings, Nick heads back to a cabin in the woods to process his feelings again with his entire family. I’ve missed Bella. And I sort of feel sorry for the other young nameless girl who didn’t get her moment to shine during Nick’s journey to find love. Rude.

Raven shows up with two gifts in her huge mitten covered hands. I assume one is for the mom and the other is for Bella. Poor Nameless Girl. You’ll have to buy your own bag of coffee or Finnish taffy at the airport on your way back to Wisconsin. Sorry!

Raven is super comfortable since she already had her initial meeting with the parents back in Milwaukee. She charms his mother and promises to show Bella a new way to braid her hair if she agrees to say, “I hope he picks you” on national television.

When she’s with Nick’s dad, Raven shares the details of the day she told Nick that she loves him. She’s cool with him not saying it back. Nick’s dad thinks Raven “has a maturity I didn’t expect.” That’s code for: This girl is closer to Bella’s age than Nick’s, but she’s got a decent head on her shoulders.

Nick is nervous. His mom cries. She’s wearing one of the animal pelts. (Thank goodness the ABC Intern is quick with a sewing kit and a random zipper.) How can he be sure that Raven is the one? The truth is that he doesn’t know. PS: He doesn’t know if Vanessa is necessarily the one either.

That should make both women feel extra special as they watch the show.

Next up is Vanessa. She executes the traditional Jump and Straddle (trademark pending), walks into the cabin with confidence, and tells the story of how she once puked in a Zero Gravity plane and Nick was right there with her.

Vanessa: He’s quite the caregiver. That’s what I’ve been searching for.
Lincee: Someone to hold your hair back?

As Nick adjusts his sweater made out of the moss, I wonder why he didn’t connect with Caila in Paradise. Perhaps she could have been his tree and they could have grown together? Whatever. I’m off topic. But before I wrap up this random aside, I have to point out Vanessa’s super cool Flashdance sweatshirt. One cold shoulder in Finland? What a feeling indeed!

Vanessa informs the parents that she’s never been close to being engaged. She’s doing this once, and if she didn’t see herself with Nick, she wouldn’t be here. Of course, she has a lot to learn about their son. She’s only known him for six dates. Then there’s the national border that separates them, too. Vanessa claims to be open to compromising, which pleases Nick’s father. His advice to Vanessa? Be willing to sacrifice.

Then the dad starts crying. I start crying. Vanessa does not, but quickly reads the room, knowing that she will be labeled cold-hearted if she doesn’t turn on the waterworks with Mr. Vial.

Vanessa leaves and Nick processes with his parents. There are tears, statement necklaces, animal skins on the wall, bored siblings, talks of engagements, more tears, and admissions of fear that once he chooses a woman, she won’t choose him back.

There’s the old Jump and Straddle (trademark pending) again. I’m beginning to think that this is a part of the contract. Here’s hoping Nick gets a gift certificate to a chiropractor in his swag bag from Jimmy Kimmel.

Vanessa wears a scarf as an accessory instead of using it the one time she probably needs it the most. Her coat is open too. This Canadian can stand the cold!

Nick hoists her up onto a horse, gives her butt a slap, and we watch Vanessa’s crotch and underboob from an ill-placed GoPro on the saddle. They’re off!

I have to hand it to the ABC Intern for going above and beyond this episode. Not only did he Project Runway Nick’s mom a quick vest to match the set, but he totally outdid himself with the breathtaking scenery during Nick and Vanessa’s trot through the woods. Did I miss them galloping through a wardrobe? Narnia could have been filmed there.

They tie their horses to a tree and knock on the door of a tiny little cabin. Finnish Santa, in a poorly constructed suit and laughable beard, invites them in to sit on his lap. Creeper. Vanessa squeals with delight to the camera that she met Santa Claus.

Bachelor Nick

Santa asks the love birds what they want for Christmas.

Nick: A new pair of skinny jeans to replace the ones I spoiled going mudding with Raven. Spray tan machine for my stint on Dancing with the Stars, and for everyone to quit saying “fourth time’s a charm.”
Vanessa: A Canadian VISA with Nick Vial’s name on it.

Santa gives Nick and Vanessa a carved wooden fertility door hanger which they burn for heat later.

Vanessa decides to talk about her feelings at the bonfire. Nick listens and reminds her that it doesn’t matter how things end because he’s looking for a strong teammate and partner. This makes Vanessa cry tears that freeze to her face. She wants to feel different. She wants this courtship to be epic. Why is dumb old Raven in the way? It’s not fair!

Later that night, she tells Nick that if he ends up with her because she’s slightly better than the chick named after an Edgar Allan Poe poem, she’d rather just not be picked.

I guess on Canadian Bachelor they are so nice that they date one girl at a time?

Nick explains that the proposal, should she be the last one standing, will be extremely romantic. And cold. But she needs to understand that he’s been in her shoes twice and will take nothing for granted. He knows that this is a mutual decision. He struggles with the unknown too. There’s a lot of talk about being only engaged once and the giving of hearts. I was bored.

Vanessa is still irritated that Nick doesn’t have a final decision and the proposal is just days away. He does his best to not tell her that he’s basically going to flip a coin in lieu of admitting that “he’s very happy she is here.” This doesn’t stop Vanessa from launching into a legit ugly cry just as Nick leans in for a make out session. Instead of getting to second base, he’s forced to wipe her snotty nose with his bare thumb.

That’s when I knew Vanessa would win.

Nick straight up has fun with Raven. They admire a snow creation (big heart) that the ABC Intern whipped up. Nick takes her ice skating and they horseplay all day. He even picks her up and carries her around the pond, which I thought was impressive. She shot the duck between his legs. Then they came together like magnets and totally went horizontal right there on the ice in nothing but sweaters.

First leeches. Now frostbite.

They warm up by a bonfire because Finland refuses to let ABC riffraff in any of their accommodations unless it’s nighttime outside. He snuggles up to her by the fire and leans his head on her shoulder. Raven is convinced that she is going to get a ring the next day and is ecstatic about the idea of being the future Mrs. Nick Vial. Does it get any better than this?

Yes. Bring in the husky puppies!

Raven claims this is the best…day…ever.

That night, she changes into a darling sweater dress and pairs the outfit with thigh-high boots. Nick tells Raven that he can’t move his neck due to stress and that he’s sick to his stomach because he doesn’t know what to do.

Nick: I care about the tow of you so much. It’s heartbreaking.
Lincee: Go get those puppies.
Raven: I understand.

Raven assures Nick that she is in this all the way until the end. She loves him and is ready for him to get down on one knee. It will be easy for her to say yes.

Nick: That means a lot.
Lincee: Uh oh.

Then he gives a long speech about how great she is and how she handled this situation beautifully. He appreciates how she never had any reservations. Nick thinks she’s sexy, intelligent, and someone he would brag about.

He saves the “but” for the rose ceremony and kisses her good-bye. Raven thinks it’s good-bye for the night. It was really good-bye FOREVER. Or until things go south with Vanessa. He memorizes her number just in case.

Nick takes to the tundra again, without a coat because he doesn’t deserve one, to think about what he’s about to do. He defrosts in front of a fire, drinking coffee with a little bit of whiskey to ease his pending pain.

Uncle Neil shows up to offer Nick another ring. We see Vanessa crying, again, before she wiggles into her sparkly black dress with black furry shrug. She looks amazing. Raven wears an ice blue number that sparkles as well. She chooses a dark cape to complete her ensemble.

The SUVs take the ladies to Donner and Blitzen’s owner’s cabin. The reindeer hang out out front while Our Host Chris Harrison greets the first woman out of the limo. The camera pans to her shoes and we see the ice blue sparkles of Raven’s dress. Harrison escorts her inside, places her coat on the hook, and points to the door with dry sticks all over it for her to meet her fate on the other side.

Raven tells Nick that everyone before him had fallen short of love. He is the man her daddy prayed for all those years. She couldn’t be more sure that he is the one. Nick lets her finish before gently informing her that he is not in love. His heart is somewhere else.

Nick cries like a baby. Raven allows one sole tear to drip down over her cheek. She thanks him for their time together, never regretting her actions, and hugs him. She’s ready to get the heck out of Finland. He walks her straight out into the cold, forgetting the stupid cape, and hugs her one last time before she gets into the backseat of the rejection SUV and drives away from him forever. Or until the After the Final Rose. Either way, his heart is ripping.

There was a fence RIGHT THERE. It was the perfect prop to execute a Mesnick. Instead, Nick goes inside to try and summon the courage to propose to a Canadian he barely knows.

Vanessa arrives with all sorts of cleavage. Harrison places her shrug on the hook next to Raven’s forgotten cape. She walks into the room and Nick greets her with a hug. Her dress is too tight to wrap around his waist. He launches into his love monologue. He doesn’t want to fight it anymore. Our Bachelor Nick loves Vanessa.

Vanessa turns it on for her IMDB reel. She claims she thought there was no way he was going to notice her. Instead, he noticed every part of her! (I blame the cut outs on her dress.) She never knew this kind of love existed.

Nick drops to one knee and asks Vanessa to marry him. She cries and cries and cries and then says yes. She also accepts his rose.

What did you think? Will they last? Was Vanessa the one for Bachelor Nick? Did he make a mistake in not picking Raven? Was Santa creepy?

Of course, the After the Final Rose was a hot, boring mess. Harrison poked the bear several times, asking extremely negative questions of both Raven and Vanessa. Raven wore a slip and dyed her hair even a darker shade of black, if that’s possible. She thanked Nick again, and she explained to the audience that she was in shock. That’s why she didn’t cry. It wasn’t that she was secretly thinking, “Dodged a bullet on that one. I hope I get invited to Paradise.”

Guess what? Harrison invited her to Paradise.

Vanessa looked like she was irritated at the world. She’s not going to sugar-coat things — some days are tougher than others. She decided that there is a Nick the Bachelor and the guy she’s dating named Nick. It takes some getting used to. She wants him to be more sympathetic toward her feelings (you don’t say). She’s looking forward to riding in the same car as him.

Also, I had a cotton leotard in the exact same material as Vanessa’s ATFR dress.

Harrison brings Nick out his soon-to-be-bride for their first public appearance together as a couple. Nick looked like he would rather be chasing after Ghost May in a haunted mansion in Louisiana than holding the hand of the woman with whom he’s supposedly going to spend the rest of his life.

We learn that they are taking baby steps and will be living in the U.S. once things settle down. Of course, that won’t happen until after Nick is kicked off Dancing with the Stars. Vanessa is eager to meet Mr. T and Val.

I made that up. I would be eager to meet Mr. T and Val.

Our Host checks his ginormous watch and wraps up the segment so the lovely couple can jet off to be guests on Good Morning America. Harrison brings Rachel out to talk about he exact same thing they did last week on Women Tell All.

But there’s a twist.

It’s a historic event that has NEVER taken place before. Get ready, Rachel, because your bachelorette journey is about to begin!

A shocked Rachel stands transfixed as a thousand crew members in black rush around to transform the set into a makeshift freshly sprayed driveway. They pull out a picture of the mansion on wheels, a la Chip and JoJo on Fixer Upper. One dude pushes trees out onto the floor. Circus music plays as Chris explains to Rachel that she is about to meet a few cast members from her season.

Rachel looks like she’s going to puke. “GO GET NICK,” I shout. “HE KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE SITUATIONS LIKE THIS!”

First up is Damario. He thinks Rachel should call off the show because he’s already booked two tickets for them to get married in Vegas. It was a cute bit, until he pulled out the diamond ring. A little too much there, Damario. Tighten up.

Next was the random guy. I didn’t catch his name because I was yelling into a couch cushion pillow. He was so nervous. And he didn’t have a bit. He also didn’t know how to land the plane and stood there awkwardly saying nothing after the initial meet-n-greet. I wanted one of those old timey hooks to come out from stage left to literally pull him out of the shot. Perhaps they will invest in one before Rachel’s season airs?

Dean meandered onto the scene and brought the house down with one line: “I’m ready to go black, and I’m never going to go back.” Was the laughter genuine or nervous and uncomfortable? We may never know.

Finally, Eric came out and acted normal. He said he was happy to be here and what’s meant to be will be. Then they both broke out into spontaneous dance moves.

If I had to choose right now, I’d say Eric for the win.

That’s it! Another season in the can. Here’s hoping you stick around for my Dancing with the Stars recaps. Or my other random postings. Until then, I’ll see your for Rachel’s season!

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A in Spain
March 14, 2017 10:35 am

So sad for Raven. Had a feeling he would pick Vanessa but she is obviously the WRONG pick…unless Nick enjoys fighting. Ugh, so depressing. Maybe he will leave Vanessa and find Raven in paradise? 🙂

On the lighter side, I loved that they brought on some of Rachel´s bachelors! That was a fun surprise.

March 14, 2017 12:46 pm
Reply to  A in Spain

I was hoping he pulled a Mesnik on ATFR and the history breaking scene would be Raven telling him to “F off”. LOL

March 14, 2017 2:37 pm
Reply to  deelyla

Ooh, deelyla, that would’ve been AWESOME!

March 14, 2017 1:23 pm
Reply to  A in Spain

Nick is 36 years old. Raven may be great but for him to choose a 24 year old would be a bit peculiar as they really should be in different phases of life. (and I say this as a 37 year old woman who by no means is denigrating Raven at all). Nick is single because he chooses to be and there is no chance he went on this show to find the “woman of his dreams.” He clearly wants to be famous, live in L.A., and be on DWTS. Mission sort of accomplished.

March 14, 2017 3:30 pm
Reply to  Lindsey

Lindsey – I gotta agree with you!

March 14, 2017 1:27 pm
Reply to  A in Spain

RIP Nick. He’s gonna be henpecked to death within a month.

March 14, 2017 1:58 pm
Reply to  Kay

Great comment!!! Henpecked…so true

March 15, 2017 9:16 am
Reply to  A in Spain

I hope he is done after DWTS…enough Nick!

March 14, 2017 11:01 am

I was screaming at the tv the whole time about the cape / coat situation. Poor Raven! Did she have a back up coat? I thought maybe they would turn around to get the coat but that would be awkward. Then I thought maybe ABC loaned her the coat so she wasn’t supposed to take it? Did Vanessa know that was Raven’s coat and she had just gotten rejected? Needless to say the whole ending was ruined for me because I was so focused on the coat situation.

March 14, 2017 12:21 pm
Reply to  Tasha

I was also yelling at the TV “HER COAT!!! GET HER COAT!!!!”. I did notice the coat on the hook when he hung up Vanessa’s and it was a short man-looking coat, not a long cape like Raven had on. I wonder who all else was 100% focused on the coat situation….. 🙂

March 14, 2017 12:42 pm
Reply to  Tasha

Me too! SMH

March 14, 2017 1:00 pm
Reply to  deelyla

The ABC intern either:

A) failed to remove her the forgotten coat before Vanessa arrived.

Or B) planned ahead and placed a rejection coat/blanket in the car so that contestant can console herself after her rejection testimonial.

A in Spain
March 14, 2017 3:03 pm
Reply to  Andrea

YES! I would have yelled for it and said how freezing it was! #ihatecold

March 14, 2017 3:45 pm
Reply to  Andrea

This happened in several episodes: Mother Russia left and got in the rejection limo barefooted! Rachel left the windy Brooklyn hotel rooftop without a coat! So, when Raven went out into the Arctic Circle coatless, I kept wondering how they keep making these girls leave everything!

March 14, 2017 11:17 am

Nick looked either sleep deprived or hung over on ATFR. The countdown clock on their relationship was ticking pretty loud. Glad the season is over and hoping that Fleiss will keep the contrived drama to a minimum for Rachel.

March 14, 2017 12:43 pm
Reply to  Jenna

PLEASE!!!!! I miss the Bachelor of old.

March 14, 2017 11:21 am

Not an ice cube’s chance in Hades! Why doesn’t anyone want the nice girl who loves you??

March 14, 2017 12:04 pm

What a yawn fest that was. On ATFR Vanessa’s demeanor totally reminded me of Andi. I must say that in the end Raven came across as the most mature of the three. I loved it when Nick said “I’m going to miss you” and her response was “I know.”

March 14, 2017 12:45 pm
Reply to  Deebee

Yes she did! Because she is like Andi. Even Nick’s dad saw that. He told him – not go with the type you always go for. Doomed to fail!

March 14, 2017 3:51 pm
Reply to  Deebee

Yes! Her “I know” response was money!

March 15, 2017 12:11 pm
Reply to  Deebee

She went all Han Solo on his ass, and it was great.

March 14, 2017 12:24 pm

It makes me sad that so many people think Vanessa isn’t nice or don’t like her. To this I say, “don’t hate the player, hate the game!” Her passion is working for others with disabilities, her insecurities clearly meant that she was into him and afraid of losing, and she’s really close to her family. Raven just held it together better. Do I think it will last? No. But not because Vanessa sucks…because Nick does.

March 14, 2017 3:22 pm
Reply to  Emily

agreed about Vanessa — Nick has turned smarmy and cagey, has nothing interesting to say, and plays the teary-eyed victim, he’s played this game so many times, it’s obvious he only chose someone to save face. She has a rewarding career, close family and friends, he has no job, except being a reality “celebrity” for the last 5 years, moved to in LA for TV, yet he’s not willing to relocate to Montreal (and who doesn’t love Canada?!). ATFR was so awkward – “long distance relationships are so hard”, notice how Vanessa was saying her family was there to support her, yet Nick’s family was nowhere to be seen. So obvious they are done after DWTS and the contractual time commitment.

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice
March 14, 2017 5:58 pm
Reply to  cici

You’re right, where was Nick’s family?

Was the “burning” fertility heart from Santa clever foreshadowing by ABC?

March 14, 2017 8:37 pm
Reply to  Emily

I am surprised at all the negativity towards Vanessa. I think a lot of their conversations were more true to life than his carefree fun-times with Raven. Plus, come on, I’m sure they had fun that just wasn’t interesting enough to the editors.

March 14, 2017 10:50 pm
Reply to  Alanna

The editing was horrible this whole season.

March 15, 2017 3:01 pm
Reply to  Alanna

They edited the show to make viewers think he didn’t pick her or she didn’t accept. Sometimes I think they do that to throw people off the (Reality Steve) trail. They pushed it too hard this season; which only made me more sure that Nick chose Vanessa (and she would say yes).

Lesly Phillips
Lesly Phillips
March 14, 2017 12:24 pm

Thanks, I just spit my drink out! “As Nick adjusts his sweater made out of the moss, I wonder why he didn’t connect with Caila in Paradise. Perhaps she could have been his tree and they could have grown together? Whatever. I’m off topic. But before I wrap up this random aside, I have to point out Vanessa’s super cool Flashdance sweatshirt. One cold shoulder in Finland? What a feeling indeed!”

March 14, 2017 12:37 pm

i like vanessa, and i wanted her to win, but boy was that a rehearsed speech she gave when she walked into the proposal room! so awkward because it didn’t sound like it came from the heart…it was a bunch of cliche lines she heard from a movie or something. eek. and yes, they made it incredibly awkward on ATFR…i don’t think they’ll make it long. thanks for another great season of recaps lincee!! will stick around for your DWTS recaps!

Ann J
Ann J
March 14, 2017 3:00 pm
Reply to  abby

I thought the same thing regarding Vanessa’s proposal speech, yech! I didn’t feel the love in the room, any room at all last night.

March 14, 2017 12:42 pm

Yawn – glad that snooze fest is over. lol
Thank goodness for Lincee humor.
And yes – ABC literally told us all night long who Nick would choose. The more obvious it seemed he should choose Raven (because she mutually chose him), the even more obvious scenes of why he shouldn’t pick Vanessa – I was convinced it would be Vanessa (BECAUSE YOU”RE TRYING TOO HARD TO CONVINCE US OTHERWISE). And of course – it was! Personally, the whole season was so contrived. I can’t even make myself believe there were two possible choices. I was surprised they were still together for ATFR. My guess is – they’re not. They didn’t seem much like a couple last night.
Ready now for Rachel. If her season comes across as fake – I fear I may be done with the Bachelor (ette).
However, I’ll never ditch Lincee! 🙂

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice
March 14, 2017 6:01 pm
Reply to  deelyla

I think that’s why they introduced Rachel weeks ago and started her line up this week…they knew this season was a snooze fest and they had to start the next seasons early to keep the interest going…

March 15, 2017 3:03 pm
Reply to  Minnesota Nice

Sounds plausible. I think Rachel is awesome. I hope they don’t ruin her like they have so many others.

March 16, 2017 11:22 am
Reply to  deelyla

interesting theory that they are already broken up and but just keeping it up for appearances. i firmly believe they won’t last, but i hadn’t thought that they might have already broken up! maybe that’s why they played it like she was so fine with him going on DWTS….he can move on and then they can announce the break-up sometime after it’s finished. people could buy that it was just because of the distance and so much time apart while he was on the show…

March 14, 2017 12:42 pm

My favorite line: There’s the old Jump and Straddle (trademark pending) again. I’m beginning to think that this is a part of the contract. Here’s hoping Nick gets a gift certificate to a chiropractor in his swag bag from Jimmy Kimmel.

Also, I definitely was pulling for Raven at the end but I like both her and Vanessa. Both of these women are WAY too good for Nick.

I liked having the guys come to ATFR but I thought it was a little awkward. Eric was definitely my favorite but I was underwhelmed by those four guys.

Chris Banting
Chris Banting
March 14, 2017 1:06 pm

Somewhere in Finland an ABC intern is out of a job since he did not hide Raven’s jacket prior to Vanessa’s arrival. She knew she was the second lady in, which meant she won. Or lost, depending on your outlook!

March 14, 2017 1:58 pm
Reply to  Chris Banting

So funny! I saw that too and figured Vanessa knew she had “won”!

March 14, 2017 1:33 pm

1. Nick’s mom’s feelings about Raven after their sit down made me think he was going to pick Vanessa.
2. Oh my gosh. So much crying. Why?!?!
3. Nick’s “‘moss” sweater looked so itchy.
4. If I were going to meet the parents, I wouldn’t choose an off the shoulder sweater.
5. Nick and Vanessa always look like they’re having a terrible time.
6. That Santa was HELLA creepy.
7. Seriously, has Vanessa never watched Bachelor?
8. I laughed out loud when he went to kiss her and she burst into tears.
9. I was impressed with Nick and Raven’s skating.
10. Until Nick started to compete for the National Figure Skating team- 11year old girl’s division.
11. Why do they always make out in the oddest places? Her clothes were getting soaked.
12. Thank goodness for that bonfire or Raven would have died of pneumonia.
13. PUPPIES!!!!
14. Show more puppies please.
15. Did Raven get to keep the puppies. If so, that’s much better than ending up with Nick.
16. Oof, Raven. That’s a friend zoning speech if I’ve ever heard one.
17. Which is worse, Nick? Having to break up with the girl expecting a ring, or having it done to you?
18. HER CAPE!! I was screaming at the tv for them to go back.
19. My boobs were cold on Vanessa’s behalf.
20. I think the other coat that was hanging was Nick’s overcoat. It didn’t look long enough to be Raven’s cape.
21. I thought for SURE Vanessa would say no.
22. I was confused by Nick’s “I’ve been fighting falling in love with you…” what does that mean? Weren’t you trying to find love?
23. Raven is for sure wearing a slip on ATFR.
24. I wonder what it’s like to not have any real responsibilities and just be able to take off for Bachelor and BIP?
25. Oh, Vanessa mentions that she in fact had not watched The Bachelor before. That clears up a lot of questions.
26. I don’t see Vanessa and Nick working out.
27. The first guys they brought out for Rachel were awful.
28. Team #guynumber4 They seemed to click right away.

March 14, 2017 3:18 pm
Reply to  Marie-Eve

#7- she admitted on ATFR she really hasn’t watched the show.
#20- agreed
#22- I think (or hope) he meant it was more of a disbelief thing… how could it happen so soon, especially when he had so many options. I remember Ben said something similar
#27- I liked the last guy. But hope the rest are better.

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice
March 14, 2017 6:06 pm
Reply to  Jen

#4 He’s not educated enough for her.
I think they are going to have a real problem finding quality guys for this girl. She’s the best they’ve had.
The guys were all chaches so far. I wasn’t impressed.

March 15, 2017 3:06 pm
Reply to  Minnesota Nice

Minnesota Nice – I wasn’t impressed either. 4 duds in my book.

March 14, 2017 1:38 pm

I can’t stand Vanessa but I’m happy with the ending because RAVEN IN PARADISE!!!!

I give them a snowball’s chance in hell of lasting a month. Sweet Catherine had a difficult time when Sean did DWTS and she wasn’t inventing problems in her head. Can you imagine the hell Vanessa’s going to put Nick through? I see long dance rehearsals followed by getting yelled at all night and getting no sleep in Nick’s future. He deserves it after making such a dumb decision.

For a 36 year old, Nick sure has no life wisdom. The easy relationship is the one that will last. If you’re arguing in the honeymoon phase you have a funamental flaw in the relationship. You go for the person who brings you joy and makes life easy, then you brace for the hard times together. A relationship shouldn’t be constant doom and gloom. If all you can focus on is the “struggle” it’s not meant to be and it’s not going to last.

The pics they posted after ATFR were gross. Is it sexy to lick your own hand now? Blech.

March 14, 2017 1:40 pm
Reply to  Kay


March 14, 2017 2:22 pm
Reply to  Kay

My thoughts exactly.
I was also unnerved by all the talk about “compromise”. I’m sorry, but if you are CONSTANTLY having to compromise, it means that you and your partner are not heading in the same direction. There is a difference, imo, between compromising (i.e. losing something) and making a decision together. Frankly, I would feel very uncomfortable if my husband was always compromising things for me.
Watching them on atfr was sad. I’m all for being realistic, but there has to be a little more excitement about a new relationship than that! They just looked like two people under a lot if pressure… especially Nick.
I think this could still go either way. The only way it can work is if both of them seriously loosen up and learn to have a good time together. Stop with the serious conversations!! There is no point in serious conversations if you can’t have fun together.
Lincee, I was dying at the “moss sweater”. Nick’s outfits this season were something special.

A in Spain
March 14, 2017 3:06 pm
Reply to  Sara

Amen, Kay!

March 15, 2017 1:04 pm
Reply to  Kay

Join the discussion

March 15, 2017 1:06 pm
Reply to  Kay

This is great dating advice Kay! Thank you.

March 15, 2017 3:11 pm
Reply to  Kay

Kay you make a very valid argument. The relationship needed a happy medium. He had the playfulness with Raven, but lacked the seriousness. I thought he had the best overall relationship with Rachel but guess he didn’t see it that way. I’m not sad about that – I’m thrilled for her to be the bachelorette.

March 15, 2017 3:56 pm
Reply to  deelyla

Yes deelyla, I also thought things were the best with Rachel, but I really do think they pegged her for Bachette and didn’t want her to be his F1. I also think that Nick chose Vanessa as the break up between them would be easy. Not to say that he doesn’t have feelings for her, she is his type it would seem. Totally loved what his father said to him about that….Agree with Kay, you marry the person that you have an EASY relationship with!!! That’s what I did, and I have been married almost 28 years. Marriage is STILL HARD regardless, why do some people think drama = lasting love?????? Nick is thinking short term with her definitely. Lincee, loved the link to Vanessa’s IMBD!!! I thought the same thing about her proposal acceptance, was pure acting, and not a great job at that!

March 14, 2017 1:50 pm

Vanessa often seems cross but i was surprised she was cross during ATFR… does not bode well, does it.

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice
March 14, 2017 6:10 pm
Reply to  Kris

She talked way too loud and forcefully. That would be hard for me to get used to.

And, she does invent problems. Poor girl. But, I think Nick is inadvertantly creating these things in her head by what he is NOT saying to her. He’s can only be comforting and reassuring if you’re puking.

March 14, 2017 2:29 pm

I liked Raven and Vanessa! But, I really think Vanessa is more suited for long term relationship/marriage at this time. Raven is so young – she could have several BIPs in her future! Also, I think it was edited to show all possible conflict. As viewers, we really only saw maybe a couple of hours of Nick and Vanessa’s time together. We didn’t get to see the fun romantic times as much – editing to throw us off maybe? Because I always “felt” Vanessa would be the one – just like I “felt” Lauren would be the one for Ben. Also, I have to say that I think Vanessa is stunning! Probably one of the prettiest on the Bachelor ever.

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