Bachelor Recap: Episode 3

The recap will be up as soon as I renew my membership to the Houston chapter of the Billy Currington fan club. Fingers crossed I’m elected Chapter President this year.


What did y’all think of last night’s episode? Do you think Danielle is passing out prescriptions yet? Will Clare, DAndi or Nurse Nikki crack under the pressure first? Is Sharleen giving you weird vibes too? Should we intervene now on behalf of Our Host Chris Harrison’s wardrobe choices or give him a few more episodes to turn that crazy train around?

Sound off in the comment section! I’ll see you this afternoon!

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January 21, 2014 9:57 am

Love me some Billy Currington! They should have shown more of him – then the show would be worth watching! Can’t wait to hear your take on the awkwardness that was the Sharleen/JP kiss on the soccer field – could she have backed away any farther? So strange! And Elise proving her ‘maturity’ by calling Chelsie a baby to anyone that would listen….not to mention Single Mom’s continual mothering of all the other girls…you have a lot to work with! 🙂

January 21, 2014 10:33 am

Sign me up for the Fan club while your at it! Holy Buckets!

I saw an add for last nights show saying “could this be the most awkward kiss in bachelorette history?” but the didn’t mention it during the show. But i have no doubt in my mind that Sharleen has clinched the awkward Kiss award. I just don’t think she should be there.

Did anyone else think Kelly’s dress was falling off her at the rose ceremony?

Oh but DAndi’s kiss with JP? Wow, Sean should take notes. Holy Steamy Smooch batman! Just…wow.

January 21, 2014 11:31 am

Right now I find myself rooting for DAndi and Chelsey. Clare seems to be getting a little high maintenance.

Sharleen appeals to JP on some level because of her aloofness and her profession/worldliness – but you certainly don’t get any mothering vibe from her!

Can’t wait for the recap!

January 21, 2014 11:43 am

Agree that Sharleen’s kiss was crazy. It was like watching someone’s first kiss playing spin the bottle. Awkward.

Loved Cassandra’s repeatedly talking about how she “hasn’t had a first date since I was 18” – a. like that was so long ago and b. made me wonder if she’s ever been on a real date – hello college dates.

Amy H
Amy H
January 21, 2014 12:13 pm

Oh Lincee I am so glad you called out OHCH on his wardrobe choices! What was up with that bi-level, color-blocked blue-on-blue shirt??? No.

January 21, 2014 12:32 pm

In case you all didn’t catch on or realize – Cassandra hasn’t been on a first date since she was 18.

January 21, 2014 12:33 pm

Plus blondie’s in car rocking out reminded me of Elaine Benis dancing at the office party.

January 21, 2014 1:01 pm

Hollygolightly, you are so right with your comment….. I thought of Elaine’s awkward dance moves also during the car rocking out scene.

January 21, 2014 1:04 pm

Was that Chelsie rockin out? She couldn’t dance to Billy Currington either.

Two toned shirt OHCH? No thanks. He tweeted that he knew he’d here about that choice.

January 21, 2014 1:56 pm

burying my head in the popcorn bowl with the Sharleen kiss–what the what?!–was that her first kiss?!

BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Cassandra hasn’t been on a first date since she was 18.

OHCH is looking mighty fine–odd shirt or not!

THIS JUST IN: Cassandra hasn’t been on a first date since she was 18.

January 21, 2014 3:15 pm

Not only has Cassandra not been on a first date since she was 18, but apparently Elise thinks Chelsie is a baby… There are some serious dead horse beaters in this group! (Although, I liked the look on Elise’s face when she realized that Chelsie is only one year younger!)

I liked OHCH’s color block shirt. I thought it made him look taller…

Lorraine Nelson
Lorraine Nelson
January 21, 2014 3:41 pm

I couldn’t get through the whole episode, but I did happen to see that kiss between Sharleen and JP. I can’t put into words how awkward that kiss was. It was bad enough to watch her pull away when he went in for the kiss, but the I can’t believe she went in for a second one, and that one was just as bad. I didn’t think there could be anyone more awkward than Sean.

January 21, 2014 3:48 pm

I enjoyed all of the gratuitous close ups of breasts and bodies right as the pool party started. Please tell me when the next pool party is so I can tune in. All ask is that ABC doesn’t invite that wacko Sharleen. Can you see her raising a young girl or interacting normally with another human, for that matter?

January 21, 2014 3:49 pm

Speaking of Elaine Benes–how much does Andi look like her?! Poor Cassandra and her last first date…apparently it left her knocked up and he didn’t even cook her a meal first! If Elise’s life experience prerequisite for step-motherhood includes having starred in a soft-core porn movie, then look out little Camila, there’s a Yuletide Hottie coming your way!

January 21, 2014 4:24 pm

Did the 21 year old mention that she has not been on a first date for 3 years? I missed that comment the first 5 times! And did free spirit (still cannot find a job posting for that title) actually seem semi normal in her exit?

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