
Two very cool things…

1. I received this picture (taken in Chicago) from IHGB reader Lauren. I’ve reached national status. Watch out Oprah…HERE I COME! 2. One of my favorite movies of all time is making a sequel. CENTER STAGE 2! According to various websites, CS is going urban, yo: “Kate Parker, a self-taught prodigy catches Jonathan’s eye and makes it into the American Ballet Academy. Sadly things don’t go as planned and she’s

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How have we not talked about this?

First of all…thanks to everyone who has contributed to my song dilemma. I appreciate your insight and have narrowed it down to about four or five choices. Once I decide, I’ll let you know how the kids respond! On to business…how have we NOT talked about the new lineup for Dancing with the Stars? Check out some of the lineup: • Lance Bass: Lord help me if he does a

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Calling all music people who are cool

I’m in charge of putting together a slide show for high school kids who went to camp this summer in Colorado. I need a song that is fun and most everyone will know. Here are the rules: 1. No sappy slow songs that talk about finding yourself or saying goodbye. 2. No Mother Superior songs about climbing every mountain. 3. Songs that high school kids will know. 4. Songs that

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Olympic discovery

While watching Michael win his eight gold medal and my US girls landing #1 and #2 in gymnastics, I discovered something new as I was fast forwarding through hours of recorded Olympic footage. I’m going to go ahead and add this to my list of favorite summer Olympic sports. It’s going to be right up there with gymnastics, swimming, diving, synchronized diving, synchronized swimming, badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, handball and pole

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A recent email from Chance

**Note to reader: I’ve known Chance forever. (We were in first grade together.) He was the catalyst for what is now known as The Great Debate. He was also the reason I had to issue my first retraction on this website. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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