
Bachelorette Hannah recap: She calls the shots

Apart from the three tragic stories and Hannah’s visit to the hospital, I was thoroughly entertained by week three of Bachelorette Hannah’s journey to find love. I will say that she and John Paul Jones need to do a better job of pacing themselves. Between Hannah having an emotional breakdown once or twice during each episode and John Paul Jones tossing back the chicken McNuggets like Tic Tacs, ABC needs

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Bachelorette Hannah Recap: Finding Mr. Right

We live in a world where a woman’s journey to find love is inaugurated by a few drag queens cat calling eight men who have agreed to wear man panties on national television in order to be crowned Mr. Right. Some say it’s strange. I call it “Monday Night.” Hannah’s crop of dudes are an interesting bunch. Never in my fifteen seasons of recapping The Bachelorette have I been more

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Bachelorette Hannah Recap: Party Queen

It’s been two months since Miss Alabama Hannah officially bested her arch nemesis Caelyn by taking the coved title of ABC’s new bachelorette. As Caelyn shops for scantily clad bikinis between extra hours of cardio in prep for her stint on Bachelor in Paradise, Hannah can be found on a deserted soundstage shooting mysterious reality show promos, walking through an enchanted forest in an ice blue plant suit. It’s clear

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Meet Hannah’s Bachelors!

I want y’all to know that the book has taken a backseat, thanks to the announcement of Hannah’s bachelors. I’ve been waiting for the official bios for what feels like months and now they are finally here! After an initial perusal of the men, I have questions. Lots and lots of questions. What are they? I’m glad you asked. What’s up with the hero hair? And what’s up with the

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10 Things I Learned Watching the Bachelorette Reunion

In true Bachelor style, the reunion show boasted that this special event would focus on our favorite bachelorettes from days of yore and report what they are up to now. Instead, there was about eighty-five minutes of random nonsense, fifteen minutes of former bachelorettes, ten minutes of Hannah Bama, and, for some incredible odd reason, ten minutes of He Who Must Not Be Named. Our Host Chris Harrison hopped a

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