
Rwanda — Day 2

These two pictures sum up the highlights of day two. The trip in a word so far? Amazing.  

Waiting for Boaz

My boss just forwarded me the email below. It’s comforting to know that when he receives such solid advice for single ladies, he immediately shares the wisdom, walks into my office laughing about it and then reminds me of an overdue deadline. In the Bible, Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on your Boaz, don’t settle for ANY of his relatives. Brokeaz, Lyinaz, Cheatinaz, Dumbaz ,Cheapaz, Goodfornothinaz,

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THE OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE IS OVER!  Hallelujah indeed!  My media day went well.  There was tons of publicity for my clients.  My knee didn’t boycott me and swell up until the late afternoon.  I shall officially claim this year a victory! Several of you emailed me to say that ABC had unveiled the cast of characters that will inevitably compete for Emily’s heart.  I had every intention of writing something

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Joy to the World!

Good Friday

Why I Call It Good Friday from ignitermedia on GodTube.