Happy Halloween

Or as I like to call it, Society’s Free Pass to Play Dress-Up as an Adult! Stay safe out there tonight. And maybe hide your dalmatians until morning.

Yes please


Below is a list detailing why you should be watching Nashville: 1.  Deacon 2.  Tami Taylor’s (aka Rayna) Hair 3. The Stella Sisters 4.  Deacon in Denim Did I miss anything?!

A man and his fedora

IHGB reader Shawna was kind enough to gently remind me that we are T-minus ONE DAY until the TV return of everyone’s favorite con-man Neal Caffrey! If this isn’t enough to make you tune in to the USA Network for the premiere of “White Collar,” perhaps I can appeal to those of you who are children of the 80s. That’s right!  Kelly Kapowski graduated from Bayside and became Mrs. Special

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