Community Choice – My Initial Thoughts

I apologize for being MIA the last few days. I’ve been dealing with disappointment and sadness. With that said, I’m so thankful that this little community provides me daily encouragement, laughs and needed distraction from life’s ups and down. Your prayers are certainly welcome, if you are so inclined. Like I always say: “When life hands you lemons…add vodka.” Moving on. I love when I toss a question out there

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Community Choice

Since we are in hiatus from The Bachelor until the middle of May, I decided to let you, the reader, tell me, the blogger, what you would like for me to write about here on That’s short for: I’m tapped out in the creativity department. You see, I write for my job. All day long. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to turn off my work mode and focus on

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Team Peeta

Now that THAT’S out of the way, I’m ready to hash it out with all the tributes out there who are inevitably lining up to see Hunger Games as I type this sentence. Oh how I wish I was right there with you! ***WARNING*** There will more than likely be spoilers in the comment section. If you haven’t read the books, A.) what are you waiting for? and B.) don’t

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Season of The Groban