Bachelor Recap: Week 9

I know I say this all the time, but I really have no clue how I can convey the level of complete boredom that was a result of last night’s episode.  My watching party consisted of four dear friends (if you see Carrie Darrah…tell her Happy Birthday for me!) and of those four dear friends, three of them were working, one almost fell asleep and I found myself listing all

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On My Night Stand

I love when I take a poll with my readers and get such wonderful feedback.  Thank you for directing me to Moneyball with my Oscar poll.  I thought it was truly fascinating to learn about baseball from a mathematical angle…and math is my least favorite school subject!  I thought Jonah Hill killed his performance and truly stole the show on more than one occasion. With that said, I’ve decided to

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Bachelor Recap: “What the BLEEP happened?”

“What the BLEEP happened?” Yes. It was the explicative heard around the world. Unless, of course, you missed it because your television was on mute due to Kacie B.’s exit interview in which she communicated with sounds only dogs and dolphins could relate. Knowing that Kacie B. was unaware of her parents’ issues with this silly reality show known as The Bachelor and its messy haired suitor Groban, I’d be

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Bachelor Recap: Week 8

Thank goodness last night’s episode showcased a high school marching band and a fake wedding.  Otherwise it would have been the equivalent of watching traffic court on your local public access television station. Somehow, I managed to cobble together an article for the Huffington Post.  Check it out HERE and come back later this afternoon for the recap. PS:  Groban’s hair was as ridiculous as his cowboy outfit.  Discuss.