Tag Bachelorette ABC

Bachelorette Katie Recap: Right Reasons

Bachelorette Katie Recap | Week 2 Hello dear readers. After the flabbergastion (that’s a word) of last night’s episode, I find myself scratching my head, puzzling through multiple questions. These include, but are not limited to: Huh?Why is he still talking?Really?Did Katie understand that he’s a virgin?What?Have these people ever seen the show?Seriously?Does Andrew S. have a single uncle? It was a wild and crazy second week. One that left

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IHGB #218 Bachelorette Katie Recap: Episode 1

Who knew that when Katie sauntered up to Matt James with an adult toy in hand, she would one day be forever memorialized as the twenty-fifth woman to hold the title of Bachelorette? She’s “sex-positive,” and if you don’t like it, you can hit the road, buster.  Some Guy in Austin and I break down week one of Katie’s journey to find love. So what floats this woman’s boat? We

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Bachelorette Katie Recap: Cat got your tongue?

Bachelorette Katie Recap Episode 1(Psst: Clicking on the guy’s name will take you to his Instagram account!) Who knew that when Katie sauntered up to Matt James with an adult toy in hand, she would one day be forever memorialized as the twenty-fifth woman to hold the title of Bachelorette? She’s “sex-positive,” and if you don’t like it, you can hit the road, buster.  Based on the number of sexual

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Bachelorette Tayshia Finale Recap: Clarky and the Queen

Bachelorette Tayshia Finale Recap | It feels weird writing about Tayshia’s journey to find love on the cusp of the Baby Jesus entering this world, yet here we are folks. In former seasons, I’ve never had to frantically slap something together moments before getting on the road for some well-deserved Yuletide cheer!  I’m not going to be a Grinch about it and ditch the recap altogether, yet I am on

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IHGB #194 — Bachelorette Tayshia Finale: He Put A Ring On It

We finally reached the finale of Tayshia’s journey, and it was a doozy. And by “doozy,” I mean everyone was still sweating up a storm. But Tayshia is happy and in love and has a Neil Lane ring on a very important finger. Some Guy in Austin and I break down the two part finale for you.  We discuss: How Ivan was robbed of a proper fantasy suite. What was

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