Tag Bachelorette

10 Things I Learned Watching the Bachelorette Reunion

In true Bachelor style, the reunion show boasted that this special event would focus on our favorite bachelorettes from days of yore and report what they are up to now. Instead, there was about eighty-five minutes of random nonsense, fifteen minutes of former bachelorettes, ten minutes of Hannah Bama, and, for some incredible odd reason, ten minutes of He Who Must Not Be Named. Our Host Chris Harrison hopped a

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Harrison Breaks Down Rachel’s Dudes

For the first time in Bachelor franchise history, Our Host Chris Harrison took to social media to give us a glimpse into the thirty-one men (that’s right, THIRTY-ONE MEN) who will by vying for the heart of bachelorette Rachel. In doing so, our favorite host broke the Internet. Here’s what Harrison had to say when headshots of the suitors appeared on the right: Adam — “Something special will happen on

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Bachelorette JoJo recap: We don’t care about The Chad

Bachelorette JoJo Recap: Episode 3 Or should I say The Chad recap? I’m so tired of his storyline. Who cares if this guy chugs brightly-colored energy drinks, constantly works out, recites metric conversions out loud and gnaws on raw sweet potatoes like a corn dog to get his carb on? I want to see JoJo fall in love! Perhaps not in a hot tantric yoga studio, but maybe on the back of an

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Bachelorette JoJo: Let’s meet the suitors

The tans have been sprayed. The hair has been coiffed. The stubble has reached peak five o’clock shadow length. They teeth have been whitened. The Gap shirt has been selected. As soon as Our Host Chris Harrison sprays down the driveway, we can officially get this party started. That’s right, people. The wait is over. ABC has just announced the 26 yahoos who will by vying for a chance to

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A bachelorette poll and a birthday celebration

This looks like a bachelorette who has a very tough decision ahead of her. Should she go for the adventurous life in which her days will be filled with shopping for skinny jeans and rambunctious romps against church archways? Or should she choose a more private life full of row boats, wood shavings in the barn and frequent one-sided conversations about someone’s control issues? It’s time to vote!