And this is exactly why we watch the show

I’m LOVING Gary the camera guy’s shot around the 59 second mark.  And there apparently seems to be a ton more cleavage this year than I remember from seasons of yore.  If this is what we have in store for the “On the Wings of Love” Bachelor Jake, we are in for an amazing ride.

I mean…an amazing flight.

Buckle your seat belts people.  And grab your barf bag just in case.  We are CLEAR for take off!

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January 2, 2010 4:48 pm

Wow. I think there will be plenty to recap!

January 2, 2010 5:04 pm

Ok – I’ve watched almost every season of Bachelor/Bachelorette, yet I must have forgotten how ditzy the girls are. It looks more like a party at the Playboy mansion than at the Bachelor pad (the promo background music doesn’t help). I hope wholesome Jake can find a decent prospect in this bunch (not that this show has a great record of matchmaking or anything).

January 2, 2010 6:38 pm

Ooohhh I cannot WAIT for your recaps on this season, Lincee!!!

Girl from Spring
Girl from Spring
January 2, 2010 6:58 pm

Thank goodness Lincee, I have been waiting this weekend for some comments about the upcoming fiasco. I know you have probably been ringing in the new year, dancing with every man you see so you hadn’t had time to blog about “our pilot”. I almost thought you forgot it was coming up. I hope your knee continues to heal !!! Can’t wait to hear from you on Tuesday.

January 2, 2010 8:47 pm

I really wish I could leave this train wreck (ahem, I mean plane wreck) alone. But…. I can’t. Ohhhhhh the nut cases coming up on this one (rubbing my hands maniacally together).
Gary the camera guy. Seriously? We can see that her butt is hanging out of her “uniform”. Your aooga shot wasn’t necessary.

January 2, 2010 9:08 pm

Priceless! I can’t wait to read your recaps, Lincee!

January 2, 2010 10:24 pm

3 letters – OMG.

I guess she isn’t the one who has an affair with a crew member…

January 2, 2010 11:17 pm

eeee! thanks for sharing Katie 🙂

catty catty catty! haha, can’t wait.

January 3, 2010 11:11 am

OMG, it’s going to be a train wreck. Which is why most all of us will watch…

Colorado Cat
Colorado Cat
January 3, 2010 11:27 am

LOVIN it!! The producers must have heard us whining about how boring this season was so they told the editors to leave in all the juicy cattiness – I have seriously been missin it the last few years!

January 3, 2010 1:09 pm

yikes. I have forgotten how awkward everyone acts… but I can’t look away. Really looking forward to your recaps Lincee, you are the only reason I continue to watch. Well, you and Hare, cause he’s the

Jen from Tucson
Jen from Tucson
January 3, 2010 1:57 pm

Catty Bachelorette: “I can’t believe that girl would put on an outfit to try and get attention. I mean, yah, maybe my boobs are hanging out of my dress, but I didn’t put this on to get attention..It’s comfortable”. Thinking to herself: Damn..why didn’t I think to bring a stewardess costume”. Can’t wait for this to start!!

January 3, 2010 5:00 pm

I vowed not to watch Jake because he makes my skin crawl, but I can’t NOT read Lindsey’s recaps, so . . .
I found this brief write up: According to the article, one girl actually says, “You can land on my landing strip anytime.” Gross. I just can’t understand how Jake will work as a bachelor. He probably doesn’t even get what that means. This will either be a disaster or hilarious.

Aunt B
Aunt B
January 3, 2010 6:04 pm

CAN.NOT.WAIT! for the plane wreck or the recaps!

January 3, 2010 9:31 pm

Wow. Okay, I just went to the ABC website to survey the picking for ole Jake and I have to say, it’s not looking good for our boy. I’ve never seen such an array of various types of models and made-up professions. Seriously? Where are the sweet, southern girls I can see him actually liking? Some of those choices scare me! But it should make for a great train wreck to watch . . .! Can’t wait!

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