Attention Houston muggles

** UPDATE:  Winners will be notified via email November 9th **

Warner Bros. has graciously decided to partner with me again for a Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows screening! I have 10 tickets to give away and I’m going to make you work for them.

Simply email me (in 100 words or less) why YOU deserve to be at the Monday, November 15 screening in Houston.

If I were entering my own contest, I would submit the following:

Five Reasons Why I Deserve Deathly Hallows Tickets:

1. I have been to opening weekend of every Harry Potter movie.

2. I played wizards chess with a boy who stood behind me in line. No, I did not let him cut in front of me when he beat me…twice.

3. I have tried every flavor of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans. I threw up a little in my mouth when I tasted dirt and grass.

4. Quidditch could totally be real.

5. Sometimes I think Voldermort is hot. Is that bad to admit? Fred and George are a close second.

Ten entries will be selected and those winners will receive complimentary tickets to the screening via email.

Thanks in advance for entering! Good luck!

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November 8, 2010 3:16 pm

I’m not in Houston, so I can’t enter, even though I’m a huge HP fan and would lovvve to go to the screening. But. I’m really just commenting because I am sooo incredibly curious as to what the Voldemort in your head looks like? Hot? Lincee……………

November 8, 2010 4:13 pm

SHUT UP!! I would almost pay for a plane ticket from Connecticut to Houston just to get to see the movie 4 days early!!

I guess I will just have to settle for the midnight premiere like so many other peons. I am practically convulsing with anticipation, and will be wearing my Hogwarts t-shirt and smuggling in homemade butterbeer cupcakes.

November 8, 2010 4:22 pm

Lincee, I am a new-ish fan of your blog and have never posted before…I live in the Houston area and would LOVE to enter your Harry Potter giveaway…do we comment on this post or am I missing an email address somewhere on your page??

November 8, 2010 5:48 pm

If I could get away with coming to Houston without my son I would do it!!

November 8, 2010 5:56 pm

Although I can’t win these tickets (I live about 3 hours from Houston…wait, what time is the premier showing?) here are the top reasons I should! 🙂

I have never missed a midnight showing of Harry Potter
When the last book came out, I stood in line for over 3 hours – in between two witches who were decades younger than me – discussing which is a better pet: Hedwig, Buckbeak or Fang.
I want to see HP in his broadway show. 😉
I have read every book – more than once.
I, too, have tried every flavor of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans and was pretty sure that vomit was the worst.
My boyfriend came into the room as I read of Dumbledore’s death and found me with swollen eyes and a snotty nose because I was crying so hard.
He walked also came home to find me in the same position at the end of Deathly Hallows for the opposite reason – I was happy-sad it was over.

November 8, 2010 6:58 pm

Michelle: click on the email link above the calendar to the right.

November 8, 2010 7:30 pm

I don’t think it’s weird you find Voldemort hot. After all, he is played by Ralph Fiennes. And Ralph Fiennes is HOT. If the rest of you don’t believe me, simply run right down to your neighborhood Blockbuster, rent “The English Patient” and be prepared to cry. A lot. And to recognize his hotness.

SGT Cole
SGT Cole
November 8, 2010 10:01 pm

Totally off-topic, but is anybody else tired of people saying “really?” Like I forget a cover sheet for my TPS report and some fool says “really?”

sonia gonzalez
sonia gonzalez
November 9, 2010 10:25 am

Hey, I think this a pretty cool thing your doing. Well I’m not going to sit here and give you any story of me playing wizard chess in line or anything like that, I never was taught how to play chess. All I can do is tell you a little bit about why I want a pass. In the past I have been going to watch harry potter for the midnight showing with my soon to be ex husband. Even when our kids were born, no matter how old they were we always made sure to have a sitter to see the midnight show. This year we made plans to watch it together, we were so excited. Well this past july he took off. Went to live with his mom and totally changed. This year I will be taking my sister whom I have adopted as my daughter, bc our mother is unfit, and whether passes are received or not we will start this new tradiotion her and I going to the midnight show. It would be very cool to get a pass though! Thanks

November 9, 2010 12:43 pm

Sgt Cole, I salute your Office Space reference.
Lincee, I agree with you on Fred and George!

November 9, 2010 10:05 pm

Hope I am not too late! I’m in Houston and dying to go early:
1. I am a third grade teacher. I would love to be able to NOT see the movie Friday night with 40 of my students. Or any of them for that matter.
2. On all about me questionnaires, I always put that I am a rabid potter fan!
3. I’ve read all 7 books, 7 times through. By choice.
4. I get into verbal arguments about Potter v. Twilight. And I win.
5. I am strangely attracted to Gary Oldman. But only as Sirius Black.

November 9, 2010 10:15 pm

Totally off topic – but does anyone remember these two Bachelor / Bachelorette contestants that just married? Tara Durr and John Presser? I have no clue from the photos.

Have fun lucky Houston Muggles!

November 10, 2010 9:40 am

Sadly I’m not even remotely close to Houston, BUT…not only COULD Quidditch be real, apparently it IS…

How I wish I had gone to one of the schools that participate in this brilliance.

November 10, 2010 8:35 pm

Even though I am not elgible due to distance, thought I would share a thought. I was out running at the local college in my city and drove by the soccer field on my way home when I noticed a group of people running around the field with brooms. I stopped and realized that these college kids were playing their version of Quidditch. So, it really is real!

SGT Cole
SGT Cole
November 12, 2010 11:16 am

College Kids + playing Harry Potter = future 40 year old virgins.

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