Bachelor Peter Finale Recap 2: Good-Bye Barb

As I mentioned in the Part 1 Bachelor Peter Finale post, I feel that this season finale was fabricated hype, except when it comes to Barbara Weber. 

And I thought we had seen the worst of Babs. Boy was I wrong. 

Our Host Chris Harrison greets us from the studio and makes sure to point out Kelley (who is not pregnant), Uncle Neil with his jewelry briefcase, and Peter’s parental units looking forlorn. Well, Peter Sr. looked forlorn. Babs looked like she whittled the leg of her chair into a shiv to cut someone. 

Someone named Madison.

Harrison shows us footage of Peter running through the desert and sitting on a rock reflecting. Probably about his shirt’s sleeve length. He looks like he’s mentally prepping for a prostate exam instead of an engagement. 

Ironically, Hannah Ann’s disposition isn’t much better. She must be watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix and just finished the episode where Denny Duquette dies and Izzie can’t let go. It’s the only explanation as to why she’s so sad. Through tears, she puts on her white satin shift dress with a slit up to her hip and trudges to the car where producers make her wait thirty minutes so Chris Harrison can go tell Peter that he’s not sure if Hannah Ann is coming or not.

This is the infamous moment when Peter hyperventilates and takes to the bed with his head resting on a rolled up pair of jeans. Hare lets him sweat it out for a hot minute before delivering the “just kidding” line. Hannah Ann rolls up and says, “Hi Chris Harrison” before teetering her way down a million steps to get to her sort of boyfriend who she might maybe may marry. 

Then Peter delivers the WORST proposal speech in the history of the world. 

“I remember that first night. When I gave out the first impression rose. It was never a question who that was going to. I love all the memories we’ve been able to make. I’ve cherished every single moment. I know I told you that I was falling for you and my heart was torn in two different directions. Now I have to follow my heart so…Madison…”

At this moment, I almost swallowed my own tongue from the centripetal force of me sucking in air so fast that it almost choked me. I thought of Friends and how Ross said Rachel instead of Emily‘s name at the altar. 

Do you think Madison was watching thinking, “Should I go up there?”

My bad. Peter just delivered his phrasing all wrong. There should be no pause behind the word “Madison.” Just say, “Madison left.” Or better yet, let’s keep the name of another woman out of the proposal all together. 

Peter actually proposes. It looks forced. Hannah Ann says yes. It looks forced. 

Peter: “She’s the most special girl in the entire world. 
Lincee: “Second to Madison. And Babs.”

Peter flies back to LA and tells his family that he has made a decision. After ten minutes of stalling, he shares that Hannah Ann is THE ONE. Barb weeps at the news and pulls her boys in for a Weber Family Hug. 

The next thing we know, the camera follows Hannah Ann to a rented out house that looks extremely familiar. Wait a minute! This is the same place where Arie broke up with Becca! On the yellow couch stained with her tears that she set on fire the next year! 

This house will forever be known as “the breakup mansion.” All who enter should be ready for some bad news.

It’s been a month since they’ve seen each other, which seems weird. In a nutshell, Peter admits to Hannah Ann that his heart is still torn. He loves that she is all in, but he’s just not there. This is his truth. 

Hannah Ann gives a speech about being a teammate and a partner and how she’s been right there for him since day one. She can’t believe he wasn’t up front with her from the beginning. How dare Peter steal a precious moment like an engagement if he wasn’t ready? 

Peter claims he loves Hannah Ann and he never envisioned it to be this way. Hannah Ann gives him the ring, walks out of the room, and vows to never be with someone who is as torn and conflicted as Peter. THEY ARE DONE. 

The audience members, including Babs, claps at Hannah Ann’s gumption. Read that sentence again. Babs cheers Hannah Ann for walking OUT of her son’s life. 

How do I know? Because the geniuses over at ABC put a “Bab’s Cam” on the bottom left corner of the screen so we can watch her reactions. And eye rolls. And grimaces. 

Back in the studio, Harrison brings Hannah Ann to the stage. Let me just say that Hannah Ann made a deal with the devil to look G-O-O-D. Red dress. Perfect makeup. Hair extensions. Side hug. Wink to Babs, who is once again clapping. What is going on?

Hannah Ann has one issue: Why didn’t Peter just tell her that he and Madison had “broken up” two days before the engagement? She claims she said yes without having all of the information. PS: He totally downplayed his feelings for Madi. 

Peter’s defense? He thought his heart would get over Madi and eventually heal. It did not and now he’s upset that he didn’t fess up to Hannah Ann when he had the chance. 

Hannah Ann goes on to say that she should have picked up on other clues. Exhibit A: The fact that he reached out to Hannah Brown to get closure (what???). “I guess there were three women involved in our engagement.”

Four if you count Barb. 

In other meddling news, Our Host Chris Harrison takes it upon himself to fly to Auburn to ask Madison if she is still in love with Peter. This is tricky territory, so Madison answers that she would do things different if presented the same situation. 

Harrison dramatically relays the message that Peter got engaged and that he has no idea Harrison is in Alabama. And the reason he is there is to tell Madison that Peter is single. He has ended his engagement with Hannah Ann.

Stone cold, Harrison. Way to bury the lead.

Then Harrison tells Madi that Peter ended his engagement because he still loves her. He believes Peter’s dream is to be with Madison. This is Madison’s second chance. Will she take it? 


I guess Harrison’s new role, other than Our Host, is resident advisor.  

Madison packs a bag, flies to LA, and scares the bejesus out of Peter as he awkwardly stands by a pool. He wants to know why she’s there? It’s a great question that is never answered. Both say that they still have feelings for each other. And that’s about it. 

Once again, we see Peter and Harrison in the studio. Hare asks Pete, “Are you in love with Madison?” We get a halfhearted “yeah” from Peter and what can only be described as a sneer from his mother on the Bab Cam. 

Madison traipses out onto the stage in a hot pink dress, bypassing Harrison to hug Peter. Guess what? They are in love! Now before you point fingers at Babs and shout, “neener, neener, neener” Harrison wants to remind you that we still don’t know how this journey ends. 

Peter admits that they both have strong feelings for each other. The word “love” was tossed around a few times. He wants to be smart with this second chance, so they are going to take it one day at a time. It will be hard. They will have obstacles. The new journey will be all uphill. But they are ready to try.

Sadly, they forgot to tell their faces they are ready to try. Both look miserable. 

Harrison invites Babs to share her feelings, which is when the spark is ignited in the dumpster. 

Why does Barb outright love Hannah Ann better than Madison? Because she embraced the family. Madison made them wait three whole hours before she came to visit them in Australia, which was the worst because they were experiencing some severe jet lag. Not to mention the fact that they didn’t get an apology. How rude! 

In addition, when Barb asked Madison if she was “madly in love with her son,” Madison answered no. We did not see that on the final cut of the episode. Moreover, she told Babs that she would NOT accept a proposal. Of course she was going to cheer for Hannah Ann.

Any loving mother would want that for her son. 

Madison defends herself in a classy way. She begins by reminding everyone that “a lot is out of my control” which is code for “the producers made me sit on a bench outside and discuss my love life for three hours.” She came into the journey promising to be unashamed and undeniably herself, which she did by admitting her feelings toward fantasy suites. 

Madison: “I’m not a mom. I don’t know what it’s like. But I know that I have love and respect for Peter, therefore I have love and respect for Peter’s family.”

Sadly, Madison has to ask Peter, “What do you think?” because he’s been a bump on a log for the past thirty minutes. Peter claims his family has his best interest at heart. The passion comes from a place of love. Then he asks his family to trust him because he loves this woman.

Babs chimes in again, this time digging her dagger a little deeper into Madison’s heart. Madison and Hannah Ann are two completely different people. One was willing to compromise. One was not. He gave his heart to two people and only one girl gave her heart to him. 

Madison speaks up for herself again. This is her journey, too. It’s not just Peter choosing her, but her choosing Peter. 


Harrison feels that he is losing his grip a bit, so he unwisely asks Barb, “how do we turn the page” expecting her to give a token, generic answer about wishing for the best or love conquering all. Instead, Barb twists the knife.

Babs: “He’s going to have to fail to succeed. Everyone who knows him knows that it is not going to work.”

What. The. Sam. Hell. 

Could we not get a tag onto the end of that sentence? Perhaps, “We love our son and support him though…” or “Madison is great.” Nope.

Madison looks like the wind has been knocked out of her lungs. Peter says nothing. 

Harrison tosses some gasoline on this unexpected fire and asks Pete Sr. how he feels? Babs whispers something in Spanish to him. Naturally, the Twitterverse was ALL OVER IT and I learned that she said, “Say something bad. Help me.” 

Again. What. The. Sam. Hell. 

Pete Sr. rambles on about obstacles and how the beginning of a relationship is supposed to be bright, but there are too many differences they will have to overcome. 

Our bachelor finally asks his parents to accept Madison. He loves her and that should be enough. He’s rewarded by a scowl from his mother and a blank stare from his father. Harrison tries to put a Band-Aid on this situation, but it’s too severe. It’s like Peter’s head wound all over again. 

Praise the good Lord Peter didn’t get down on one knee and propose to this woman. With Uncle Neil sitting in the audience with his briefcase full of engagement rings, which will inevitably be returned to him, I was nervous. 

And there you have it. Madison looks beat down. Babs is all up in our new bachelorette Clare’s grill for some reason, hugging her like she’s a future daughter-in-law. And although I’m positive Peter will defend his mother with every last breath, her behavior definitely scarred their relationship. 

Can Madison overlook the Webers’ distain for her in order to make it work with Peter? Will Peter be able to forgive his mother for embarrassing the woman he loves on national television? Will Babs force Madison to eat at the kids’ table at Thanksgiving while she cuts the fatty parts off her son’s meat in the dining room? 

We shall see if love conquers all.

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March 11, 2020 12:45 am

Gold. Pure gold. “Will Babs force Madison to eat at the kids’ table at Thanksgiving while she cuts the fatty parts off her son’s meat in the dining room? “ I know a lot of people were bored by this season, but it might be one of my favorites! Kudos to ABC (or rather, Barb) for actually making it the most dramatic finale ever. Which intern will be in charge of collecting the daggers she shot from her eyes?

March 11, 2020 12:51 am

Wow, Lincee, you got this out in record time. Can’t wait to listen to the podcast with Some Guy. This season was an absolute dumpster fire and I’ve never seen something that’s supposed to be joy and excitement seem so excruciatingly miserable.

March 11, 2020 12:57 am

Babs might not get so many positive messages tomorrow.
Perfect recap. Can’t wait what your mom has to say about Bab’s outbursts. Your mom has way more class. The fern on the pedestal demands it.

March 11, 2020 6:34 am
Reply to  Mimi


March 11, 2020 1:04 am

It’s never going to work out too many obstacles … faith, mother doesn’t like her !

March 11, 2020 1:04 am

It will never work out too many obstacles !!

March 11, 2020 1:25 am

His mom saying it will never work out is her way of *making sure* it doesn’t work out. Who in their right mind would marry into that trainwreck of a family dynamic? You’d think Madi had a criminal record the way they treated her. Can you imagine the wedding? How could Madi’s parents endure being around a family that rejected their daughter like that? I think they’ll need to elope! I feel bad for them both, and Hannah Ann.

March 11, 2020 2:01 am

Can’t get over Barb’s misconstrued logic that Peter should choose Hannah Ann because SHE loves HIM 100% when he doesn’t love her as much. Really? She’d rather her son be with someone he doesn’t love, because that person loves him?

Old Christine
Old Christine
March 11, 2020 9:41 am
Reply to  Hope

Barb is all about Barb. She wanted Peter to choose Hannah Ann because SHE liked Hannah Ann. She never cared one bit about what Peter wanted.

March 11, 2020 3:17 pm
Reply to  Old Christine

Barb was intimidated by Madison and knew Hannah Ann would not be a threat to her family dynamic, maintaining the current hierarchy.

March 11, 2020 4:49 pm
Reply to  Yesi

Good one, Yesi!

March 12, 2020 2:00 pm
Reply to  Yesi

Yes, Yesi, I agree totally. She also wanted to maintain the current culture of their family, and someone who is more religious (encouraging her son to lean in that direction) would disrupt that culture.

March 11, 2020 3:02 am

This is my take on the whole situation. I could be completely wrong.

Babs loves fame.

I’m guessing the family moved from Virginia to LA for that reason. She signed Peter up for the bachelorette for that reason. And she prayed that God would choose the right woman for Peter and(after googling both girls) decided it would be Hannah Ann, because she already had a modeling career. Madison is a Foster Parent recruiter—not usually the career that leads to fame.

In the Almost Famous Podcast, Sydney and Savannah both spoke highly of Madison and how genuine she was. If my twenty something son brought home a girl like Madison, I’d be thrilled.

Babs’ reaction doesn’t make sense at all unless viewed from the Fame-seeking lens. Unfortunately, her desire has caused way too much heartbreak.

March 11, 2020 9:09 am
Reply to  Anita

I’ve had the same thought. The family was super cute on Hanna B’s season, so ABC took that and ran with it. The fact that they went out with Chris Harrison to crash Bachelor watching parties pretty much confirms your theory. They want fame. Sadly, after her temper tantrum on live tv, Barb will probably continue to get it.

March 11, 2020 10:13 am
Reply to  Anita

This makes a lot of sense. I also think she doesn’t want someone who Peter will put before her.

March 11, 2020 12:10 pm
Reply to  Anita

I totally agree with you!! Monday night, I thought that she was ready for her closeup, she has her audition reel courtesy of ABC!!!

March 11, 2020 3:02 am

Love, love, love the recap! Thanks for getting it up so soon! You captured how I felt watching it.

So, so, sad for Madison and Peter. I want it to work out for them, as they could actually bring out the best in each other. However, they are already starting out behind the 8 ball, and unless Peter’s parents come around, Peter and Madison are in for a life of misery. If Madison is truly the one, the only way it will work is if Peter stands up to his mother and basically gives HER an ultimatum.

(Aside: it wouldn’t have hurt for Madison to say sorry for keeping them waiting so long – that’s a 23 year old error in judgement)

If Peter wants/decides to marry her, Madison MUST be #1, above his mother. That’s the only way it will work. It’s really up to Peter now to stand up and be a man – no man allows his mommy to talk smack about his woman. NO MAN. If he doesn’t, then no matter how much Madison loves Peter, she should run for the hills.

That’s 25 years of marriage talking on my end.

March 11, 2020 6:47 am
Reply to  Bri

Yes to all of the above!
Hannah Ann was right on the money when she said Pete needs to become a real man. I think, like some mothers, Babs wants to keep him for herself. When Madison walked in all unapologetic, she took it as a threat that she could take her boy away. I can’t believe how Babs continued to behave last night, though! Great TV, but sheesh…
Peter was a hot mess. Madison looked miserable. Hannah Ann didn’t look like she cared THAT much. Good luck to all these folks, but as Papa Weber said, this is not a good start…

March 11, 2020 11:32 am
Reply to  Bri

I doubt it would have made much of a difference if Madi had apologized for making them wait.

March 11, 2020 1:22 pm
Reply to  Bri

I’m not convinced that it was Madison’s choice to make the family wait for 3 hours. With TV production, I’m sure there is all kinds of waiting around. It could have been the producers for all we know.

March 11, 2020 2:24 pm
Reply to  Bri

Peter could have apologized for making them wait as well. Why was it all her fault, Babs? Because her son can do no wrong.

March 14, 2020 10:48 am
Reply to  Jaime

I agree!

March 11, 2020 3:27 pm
Reply to  Bri

Peter needs to set some SERIOUS boundaries with Barb, have her back TF up. But he looks too emotionally devoured by her (and exhausted!).

Julie B
Julie B
March 11, 2020 4:06 pm
Reply to  Yesi

Mama Weber runs the show and wears the pants in the family. That’s why Peter is unable to call her out or stand up to her for the woman he loves; it’s probably the dynamic he saw between his parents growing up. I would advise sweet Madison to run from this relationship and this dysfunctional family as quickly as possible. She has way too much class for Peter and his family and should look for someone who understands what it means to have a Christian faith!

March 11, 2020 6:59 pm
Reply to  Bri

Yes to all of this! One tweet I read said, “Oh and Barb, we’re all sorry you had to wait a few hours while Madi tried to figure out the rest of her life.”

A large part of that time was because she and Peter were in deep conversation, and even if Madi was stalling, it was probably because she knew what kind of reception was coming. Not only that, Peter did the same thing to Victoria F’s family on hometowns! Who knows how long they were waiting!

March 12, 2020 5:29 am
Reply to  Bri

First of all, production is in charge of what time things happen. Peter apologized for both of them when he walked in to the house w Madi. As for the 3 hours of waiting- what were they doing all the other hours? Just do that! Take a nap, make and enjoy a snack, watch tv, read, talk, whatever! Can you imagine how Madison’s family felt watching this display as this ridiculous woman sat glaring at their young daughter! I mean what did she really do to deserve that much hate? I think Madi is way too good for this guy and his manipulative, hateful, family. I don’t see Peter setting appropriate boundaries with his family to protect his wife. Even if he stayed with Hannah Ann that mother would be a problem. I see her constantly meddling in their lives trying to control them.

March 14, 2020 10:47 am
Reply to  Bri

Peter was with her discussing their relationship….he was also responsible for the 3 hour wait…..or am I missing a chunk of time somewhere

March 11, 2020 6:29 am

Priceless! Perfect account of the $#!+show that was last night! Babs needs her own series. Madison doesn’t stand a chance against this woman! And, personally, I’m a little bit weary of everyone’s “truth”. It’s one of those expressions that is used so much that it is becoming meaningless.

March 11, 2020 9:55 am
Reply to  Lisa

How do we expect maturity from Peter, when his mother is like a petulant child?

March 12, 2020 5:37 am
Reply to  Lisa

I found Peter throughout the entire season to be extremely self-centered, egotistical, with a strong sense of entitlement. After seeing who his mother truly is, it makes more sense as to why it’s all about him-his wants, his needs, always the priority over what the women needed. He also talked in platitudes, with everything sounding like a rehearsed speech. He did that during Hannah B.’s season as well. That, coupled with over-effusiveness, made me suspicious of him and his true motives. Any woman who ends up with guy is in for trouble unfortunately.

March 11, 2020 6:37 am

Also, did anyone else have the fleeting thought that Madison hoped that OHCH came to see her to tell her she was the new Bachelorette?

March 11, 2020 9:04 am
Reply to  Lisa

Yes! I thought the same thing!

March 11, 2020 9:56 am
Reply to  Lisa

Nah! I can’t imagine a worse bachelorette…except maybe Clare Crawley!

March 11, 2020 10:15 am
Reply to  Ross

omg…..Clare was already angry and she was only on for 3 minutes! Angriest bachelorette in history. Do you think they chose her in response to “Me Too” movement?

March 12, 2020 10:36 pm
Reply to  tracee

About to be 39 yo and never married, so Clare has good reason to be angry

March 11, 2020 10:13 am
Reply to  Lisa

I think Hannah Ann was hoping for the coveted title! I wonder if they’ll bring her back next year after she’s had a year to grow up a little! I liked how she handled things last night, but she is a little scripted to me.

March 11, 2020 12:33 pm
Reply to  Rosa

not ready for Prime Time.

March 11, 2020 10:40 pm
Reply to  Lisa

Totally, which could be why she chose her words so carefully. “Are you still in love with Peter?” If you want to be bachelorette you can’t say “YES!” to that but you can say “there is still love in my heart” and “feelings just don’t go away overnight,” etc.

March 11, 2020 6:52 am

Haha. Love your Thanksgiving foreshadowing and I almost turned blue from holding my breath when I thought he called her Madison. A friends moment for sure.

The Bab Cam was like a train wreck. It was so awful, but I just couldn’t look away. Cringe-worthy, at best. I was shocked at her immaturity. She can give the “I want what’s best for my son” speach until the cows come home, but her nasty attitude is not what’s best for him. I was appalled at how she sat there like a pouting toddler who didn’t get her way.

I feel that Bsbs was the puppeteer of this crap show. She (and the rest of the family that she controls) practically forced Hannah Ann on her son. I don’t think if his emotional clown of a mother wasn’t ringing in his ears, he would have proposed and he would have pursued Madison. Sadly her son and both girls got caught in her selfish controlling cross-fire.

I wish the best for Peter and Madison. I hope that Hannah Ann finds love and that Madison lends Peter some of her backbone so that he begins standing up to his mother. Madison deserves that. I feel that Hannah Ann is the winner of this one, as she dodged a bullet of a lifetime with this family.

March 11, 2020 8:59 pm
Reply to  Tammy

So glad that someone else concluded that THIS WAS ALL BARB’S FAULT. If she hadn’t bawled like a baby about how much they loved Hannah Ann, he would have never proposed to her. Then to sit there and applaud when she told her son to be a real man…just crazy! At least we see why he rewarded drama and crying all season-he’s used to it. I sure hope it works out for Madi and Peter, if nothing more than to annoy his mom. And, sorry, someone fed Hannah Ann all those lines- she had no eloquence or original thought and was completely boring all season. (The kind of girl who says, “I don’t care, what do YOU want to do?”) She won’t be ready for real love for another few years.

March 11, 2020 7:53 am

Barb is a manipulative drama queen and, sadly, the damage shows in her weak son who should have moved out years ago. She wants what she wants and everyone else be damned. ABC exploited the situation by encouraging the drama, which, of course they did. This is TV. It’s all rather appalling and yet, I watch it. Madison comes across as the only smart one, who deserves far better than the silly Weber family.

March 11, 2020 3:30 pm
Reply to  Brenda

Agreed! Highly enabled boy-son!

March 11, 2020 8:18 am

Kudos to you, Lincee for extracting humor out of this trainwreck! You are so right- that was an absolutely atrocious proposal. In all these years of the bachelor, I don’t think we’ve ever seen two people looking more miserable getting engaged. Peter looked like someone was holding a gun to his head and Hannah Ann fully thought he was breaking up with her. The Madison psych was the worst. I was waiting for someone to set an actual dumpster on fire to complete the ambiance.

March 11, 2020 9:17 am

I never liked Hannah Ann, but I became a fan after watching her last night. She didn’t hold any punches as she ripped several new holes in Peter. Ouch. I thought she carried herself really well throughout the break up and being on stage. I actually have to give some kuddos to Peter as well for owning up to his mistakes with her.
I think he’s got a long road ahead of him, no matter what he chooses. I think Peter wants Madison in the end, because she does challenge him. She’s going to challenge him to be a better man, and I hope he steps up for her.

March 11, 2020 10:25 am
Reply to  KarenD

I agree that Hannah Ann was well spoken, but I’m not sure why she accepted the proposal in the first place. She knew something was off and I think everyone, including her, knew she wasn’t into Peter. It really looked like she was “acting” a part or auditioning for one during their breakup in the house. Bans manipulated, Peter made poor choices, and Hannah Ann spoke well sticking up for herself. But like I said, even that felt forced and not like raw emotions.

March 11, 2020 11:31 am
Reply to  Jeni

I actually felt like her reaction to the proposal was really lovely and genuine. It’s clear she wasn’t expecting to win and was absolutely over the moon when he proposed. Which just makes what came after all the more brutal to watch. I also didn’t care for her much before this episode, but I’m proud of her for not holding back. I’d like to be a fly on the wall watching her in a fight when the cameras aren’t on her, I bet she really unleashes then.

March 11, 2020 2:40 pm
Reply to  Libby

I agree, Lily, I believed Hannah Ann’s feelings were real. What I wonder, is what if Madison didn’t self-eliminate, would Peter have proposed to her? I assume yes. So, given those feelings, how in hell could he propose AT ALL to Hannah Ann who was by definition second place? Why not just let her go? That would have been pretty darn dramatic, though not adhering to the theme of the show: ending in a proposal. ABC producers need to have more of an imagination, let the show be more like real life. Well, ok, not real life, but not necessarily ending in a proposal, anyway. How humiliating for HA to watch the end of the season.

Corinna Hartmann
Corinna Hartmann
March 11, 2020 11:17 pm
Reply to  AnnieLu

Agree!! Barb is totally right. But saying all of it on tv is going to really have her in a bad light. People wanted her to be gracious because she is on tv. But the “so called reality” tv – she said the truth. Madi was not in love, she and Peter are a total mismatch and Chris was trying to reignite something. Madison and Peter had no body language. Madison came off as cold and unlikable to me.

March 11, 2020 12:47 pm
Reply to  Jeni

I agree. Her responses were like she just came out of a therapist office. She seems nice…but she was not into Peter.

March 11, 2020 7:09 pm
Reply to  Jeni

Exactly. Her response to his proposal was comical. It was like she was reading for the part of the southern belle a la Scarlett O’Hara with her “oh my word” and fluttery hands. I never saw any real chemistry between her and Peter or any genuine love. I don’t believe she wanted to be engaged to him and was probably relieved at the out she was given.

March 13, 2020 11:44 pm
Reply to  SheShe

Totally agree SheShe. That was some bad acting on the engagement pedestal! She wants fame, not Peter.

March 14, 2020 10:52 am
Reply to  SheShe

And her “outrage” at Peter on the couch seemed very scripted and not heart-felt

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