If I was one of the seven dwarfs…take two

I’d be Dopey this go around.

Faithful readers…I figured one day it would happen. And last night it did. My buddy, my beloved DVR failed to record the one show that I really needed him to record. I could leave it at that sentence and let you curse the digital recording companies and shake your fists in fury.

But that would be misleading.

The reason my DVR friend failed to record is because I never set him to record. While watching something extremely educational and good for me on TV last week, I quickly hit the record button to capture David Beckham leaving the Ellen Show without his shirt on so I could have that moment in time saved for as long as possible. Who wouldn’t, right? Once the show concluded, I immediately looked at my LIST to watch it again, because let’s face it…he’s hotter than crap.

To my surprise and shock, David (or Ellen) was NOT listed. So I tried again. I hit the record button while Will & Grace was playing for the seventh time that day on Lifetime Television for Women. Red button illuminated. Looking good. Show over. Hit LIST.

And nothing.

Knowing that “So You Think You Can Dance” was coming on the next night, I high tailed it over to Comcast the next day to trade in my beloved DVR. So sad that there were three weeks of unwatched Young and the Restless episodes on there, but I got over it.

New, shiny DVR in hand, I rush home and install. I set it to record SYTYCD and old reruns of The Office. No Bachelorette. Clearly I was on crack that day.

Last night I return home from a meeting at about 9:45. I call my sister to tell her something random and silly and she says that she’s watching the show and Our Host Chris Harrison is holding his hands in that annoying triangle that represents, “I love all people. You are welcome here.”

I get the laptop situated, grabbed the remote and went to my list.

Nothing. I was sick.

Call Jamie back and tell her that I’m a horrible recap person and should be ashamed for making you people wait an extra day two weeks in a row! She tells me to suck it up and get over it. People are not perfect. Not everyone is Snow White. There are some Dopey’s in the world.

She’s right. Next week I promise to be Happy. Or at least Punctual. I’m hoping to watch online tonight or find a friend who still has it recorded. Fingers crossed that I can post tomorrow!

So go on…chat it up without me again. Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my email I got from Our Host Chris Harrison as to why the random “DD TELLS ALL” was in the middle of the season. Until then, keep it clean. Love your cyber neighbor. And don’t hate me because I’m Dopey.

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June 17, 2008 7:32 am

DD Tells all was a a waste. It was confusing to hear her talking about watching the episode with friends and family and the public’s reaction to the show so far then “pretend” that the tell all was filmed in the exact point we are watching. She acted as if she didn’t know who she chose or if they had proposed. She was “wondering” how it would all turn out….HUH?
Did I miss something? I’m not very observant so was DD Tells All filmed at 2 different times and meshed into one show? Did she wear different outfits?
Jesse, Jesse, Jesse…..she gave you all the SIGNS that she wanted a kiss….I think he really likes her and it was sweet to watch and painful at the same time. He is my new Dark Horse.
Jeremy – weird but MAN was his chest hot last night and the singing painful!
Jason is growing on me and I say Graham is gone next week.
Can’t wait for the recap!

June 17, 2008 7:35 am

dd tells all was a waste of an hour, but it was funny (to us lincee readers) to watch actual footage of sp ron cutting dojos hair.

June 17, 2008 7:37 am

No hating here…my (first, there were many many comment to be made) thought was that the tell all seemed to be taped in two sessions (like some of the conversation was current: watching the show back is weird/my friends are routing for jeremy) and some was old (like: i am so excited to go to the barbados?!!? (i dont’ think that is where they went, but i swore that is what she said) dates and see who I will go with to meet their families). So…….either it was faked (NO NO SAY IT AIN’T SO) recently or faked (A LONG TIME AGO before taping ended) or D’YAWNA” blink blink had to keep the same hairstyle and wear the same dress again and they (UH, REALLY THEY DO THIS) edited it to make it all look like one interview…anyone else catch this?

June 17, 2008 7:39 am

LOL: MARRIED WITH EYES…we must have been posting at the same time…glad I wasn’t losing my mind (at least I wasn’t losing it alone….)

June 17, 2008 7:43 am

I , for one, can wait one more day for Lincee. Plus, I love this blag for all the chatters make me laugh just as much!

2) I was cracking up at Dojo getting his haircut by SoulPatch…but don’t you think if he really wanted to bring him into the 21st Century he would have cut off just a little more in the back! He looks better but he could look even better.

I actually think it is Jeremy who gets kicked next week – she keeps saying how he is perfect and she should be falling in love with him but I don’t think she really is…

When will Jesse get a clue that DD is not the one planning the dates or picking out the locales…seriously, ABC Intern needs some props!

And, Twilley – oh poor, poor Twilley. He was definitely kept for the laughter factor…did you see DD roll her eyes in the helicopter when trying to escape! It was destined to end the way it did but at least we got some good laughs out of him!

Jason – I am sorry but I just don’t see it. I think he is needy and not ready for all that is DD.

Oh no she di’nt…Oh no she di’nt…I don’t need a cocktail party because it would just be cruel to share a drink with these guys knowing that I will be asking them to leave…wait I had a one-on-one date with Sean and kissed him but a glass of champagne – NO! And, Twilley, well I have been ignoring him the whole season so why not one more cocktail party! PLEASE…stop with the drama!

Anyway – can’t wait to hear from the rest of you and of course, from Dopey…my favorite dwarf by the way! 🙂

June 17, 2008 7:55 am

I was sooo annoyed with DD last night. Did anyone notice the way OHCH tried to make her out to be a saint by sending both guys home last week? And DD is like, “Oh, I couldn’t have them go through what I did…blah, blah, blah.” But, if she really didn’t want to hurt Chef or (mostly Fred), she should have sent them packing at the same time and not let Fred think for even a second that he might be staying. Way to pull a “Brad”, DD. I was going to let that go from last week, but they had to bring it up again.

Lincee, I’m a reader of your blog from this season and last and I absolutely love your insights to the show. I’m always reading them and laughing out loud and my husband looks at me like I’m crazy. I don’t care ’cause your a funny girl! Keep up the great work!!!

M E 2
M E 2
June 17, 2008 7:56 am

All I can say is thank God she got rid of . . . . . . . . . . . .

S E A N ! (bet you thought I’d say Twilley!)

Talk about run DeAnna run . . . . . A high-maintenance, metro-sexual, mama’s boy!???! Yikes, that is/was a divorce in the making.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for a guy treating his mom right . . . BUT . . . talking to her 2-3 times a DAY and living a block away. ::::shudder::: I’m just sayin’ . . . . *Monster-In-Law” ??? @@ Someone needs to cut that cord, quick!

June 17, 2008 7:58 am

You can watch the episode at abc.com. They have all the episodes on there. I can’t watch on Monday so I watch them on Tuesday at lunch.

Some Guy
Some Guy
June 17, 2008 7:59 am

Dojo lost a lot of cred with me (a guy) last night. Facial products!?! Louis Vuitton luggage!?! Big Closet full of designer labels!?!

I especially liked how he said he was a car guy (which we knew from the nascar track), but then they flash to him driving his Hummer. That’s the automotive equivalent of saying you like Led Zeppelin and then cranking up the muzak version of it.

My wife and I also laughed out loud when we saw SP Ron cleaning up Dojo’s poofy mullet.

I also have to saw re DDah Tells All. How does OHCH not call her on cutting Brad a little slack? He didn’t see a future with her and didn’t want to string her along. She doesn’t want to string all these guys along, so she cuts them loose. DDah = Brad. It’s breaking my heart that she’s not getting called on it. I’m gutted!

June 17, 2008 8:05 am

It’s breaking my heart how much she’s breaking these guys’ hearts! Ugh.

June 17, 2008 8:06 am

If DOJO is such a self proclaimed metro sexual with a “closet full of brand name clothes” then why why why does he continue to wear the bar code suit?? If he’s so into tanning, sauna-ing, and multiple face creams why the mullett??

I am so confused!

June 17, 2008 8:16 am

Random thoughts from last night:
Hey Dojo, does your love of “designer labels” include that hideous upc barcode suit you keep wearing?? And the stand-up tanning bed? And the Chinese symbols tattooed on the back of his neck (lurking under the mullet…) YIkes! What was all that talk of the loaded gun on his one on one date? Was anyone else lost? So glad dd sent him packing…but did she really need to smooch it up on the hammock with him?? LOVED that SP Ron actually did cut the mullet off.
Did anyone notice Jesse’s weird plaid quilted lugggage that the beginning of the show? Scary.
I think DD blinks so much due to the weight of her fake eyelashes…
Twilley – i really noticed last night just how jacked up his nose is. Poor guy.
Jesse – he was so much cuter after swimming because the cholorine seemed to take care of his greasy hair. But dude, get a clue! DD was practically shoving her face into his and he didn’t take the chance to kiss her.
Graham still looked super hot but his nasally voice drove me nuts, and I didn’t really dig his laugh at all. It was annoying.
LOVED that Jeremy wore a pink shirt (in honor of chef tool w/out the popped collar) on his one on one. Did not love anything about that date. The singing made me hide under the pillows on my couch.
I did enjoy Twilley’s whole “jeremey is a mutant with special powers/hook me up tank/matrix” speech.
Kudos to the ABC intern for rolling all those cute pier 1 sherbert colored beach towels and placing them strategically around the pool.
I still love Jason, even though he seemed pretty insecure last night.
I think Graham will go next week, then Jeremy and in the end I think dd will pick Jason.

June 17, 2008 8:22 am

Yes, the tell-all was annoying with the mixed timelines, and DD making stupid comments (“I just didn’t feel special” – ugh), but not totally useless – we got to see Twilley painting (who knew?), Jeremy has no life, and DOJO tanning. Not to mention…. the haircut!! Awesome. 🙂

As far as Jeremy/Graham – I feel more and more like Graham is that hottie you fall for when you are 14-20 until you learn better, and that Jeremy is the grown-up man you actually marry. Jeremy’s date was adult and classy, andeven made DD seem more mature than normal. Her time with Graham in the hammock was SO highschool (giggles and all). Poor Jesse – he probably thought he was being respectful by not kissing her.

Bach Intern
Bach Intern
June 17, 2008 8:23 am


You are welcome. Thanks for noticing but I must admit, balancing those lemons on the table with DD and Jesse was much more challenging.

June 17, 2008 8:26 am

Did anyone else notice that when DD was interviewing about her date with SEAN, she called him JOHN?! Hilarious. And I think SP Ron came back and used his scissors on Graham too — in some of the talking head interviews his hair was cropped much shorter.

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