On deadline…

Back from NYC and on deadline. Recap coming later. Not that there was anything exciting last night to talk about except for the last 10 minutes.

Or should I say 10 seconds.

One word for you people…


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April 15, 2008 9:22 am

oh my gosh, i died laughing when i saw that. please tell me it was creative editing and that her mom wasn’t seriously coming on to him and rubbing his chest. i can’t WAIT for next week!

Thank goodness marshana is gone…she was too much to handle and im so glad we didnt have to see her try to eat his face again!

April 15, 2008 9:37 am

I almost died last night when Meeps got the rose and Robin didn’t. The look Meeps gave Robin was so GREAT! I must have rewinded 10 times.

April 15, 2008 9:47 am

I can’t wait for the recap! I was seriously creeped out by how psycho Robin was after not getting a rose. Did you see the looks she was giving Matty?!? CRAZY ALERT! On the ABC website, the diaries of the departed, she said how shallow he was for not picking her! huh?? I agree that Noelle is the dark horse… love her and Meeps!

April 15, 2008 10:04 am

I am BORED with this year’s show!!! If it weren’t for you Lincee, I wouldn’t be watching it! SO GLAD that Marshana and Robin are GONE-ZO. I also agree with your comment from last week – Marshana was on borrowed time. Send her back to Brooklyn.

April 15, 2008 10:18 am

The only thing crazy Robin could muster up to say to Matt after the rose ceremony was “Bon Soir”? What?! I totally expected her to make him walk her out and then cry on his shoulder for 10 mins! And I will say that the editing so far this year has done a great job of hiding Matt’s feelings for Noelle! Oh, and I have to admit, Shayne is growing on me….I thought it was actually endearing that she pulled out her full make up kit on the side of the ski slope…talk about someone truly being who she is!

April 15, 2008 10:18 am

I am loving Shane more and more and laughed SO loud when she pulled out her blush brush and make up on the ski slope! his expression was classic – he is so into her.

April 15, 2008 10:21 am

As much as I love “Meeps,” I think her days are numbered after seeing her mom’s behavior on next week’s preview. Of course, it could be creative editing, but it’s hard to imagine how that could be normal!

April 15, 2008 10:23 am

One last thing….about next week’s home town visits….I always HATE when the parents ask “What kind of person does this kind of show?”…..ummmmm…..hello…..I am pretty sure your daughter came on the show to compete with 25 other girls for one guy so are the situations really that different?! Except one person makes out with several people and the other person makes out with one person they know makes out with several others….its kind of the same thing to me. Just my thought!

April 15, 2008 10:24 am

SHANE IN ER AFTER SNOWBOARD ACCIDENT: “Don’t worry about the broken leg, just get the blush brush removed from my eyeball please”.

April 15, 2008 10:25 am

I think he is into Shayne too….did anyone else catch if that he asked Noelle if she could see herself living in London….OR LA?! He definitely is thinking about living in LA I think!!!

April 15, 2008 10:30 am

Karen S- Love your comment! Jules- I agree with you. I don’t think Meeps will be here after next week. Whatever will those “Team Meeps” shirtmakers do if that happens?

April 15, 2008 10:30 am

Did anyone hear me scream a loud, resounding YES at my TV last night when both the idiots were asked to end the evening rose-less? My husband and I both shoved our fists in the air and screamed at the top of our lungs. Our dogs looked at us like we were insane. Speaking of insane…Bon Soir??? Seriously?? [insert music from Psycho here] That girl is crazy with a capital “azy”.
So she went to London once. She thinks she’s all of a sudden British and that THAT is the reason she fits with Matt? With all of her “teamaker” talk last week and “ooh, I’ve been to London” she was beyond irritating me. Yeah, I see London, I see France, I saw Robin’s last crazy glance.

April 15, 2008 10:36 am

I’m stealing Marshana’s angry rage line, “I’m not having it”. My old line “Shut the F— Up” is on the shelf for a while.

April 15, 2008 10:42 am

Hopefully the nipple thing is very clever editing by ABC – but I don’t see how! WOW!
I am loving Shayne for some reason. She has def. grown on me and I think the bachelor agrees!

April 15, 2008 10:42 am

I thought the preview next week with Meeps family was weird, but did anyone hear Host Chris say “Amanda has a surprise for Matt?” I think it is some joke on Matt, but I’m afraid it will backfire given his conservative British side.

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