IHGB Podcast #75: Famous Cowboys

Happy Thursday everyone!

Today’s show is a little on the abstract side. Some Guy in Austin and I are talking about famous COWBOYS!

I mean actual cowboys, songs about cowboys, movies about cowboys, what it takes to be a cowboy. And toward the middle of the show, you get an extra treat. In a rare moment Some Guy in Austin starts SINGING.

If it wasn’t one of the best songs in the history of ever, I would have politely edited out. It turns out, when this song is performed BY ANYONE, I’m drawn in. Like young Lincee to Troy Aikman.

For those of you who don’t know, he’s a cowboy, too.   


Here’s an example of someone who is trying really hard to be a cowboy.

Need some cowboy hat etiquette?

Now who is Tuff Hedeman again?

Did you know there’s a cowboy website that tells you the best John Waynes movies?

The best cowboy music video on MTV ever to grace my screen.

Top 20 songs about cowboys and cowgirls.


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Enjoy the show!

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