Tag random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness

I’ve been doing this blogging thing for a while. I like to tell my story and recap TV shows in the comfort of my pajamas. It’s really easy to be vulnerable when you’re technically blabbing to a computer screen instead of a live human being. My random acts of kindness challenge blew that security blanket out of the water. I was overwhelmed by the response. Within a few days, an

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This is 40…almost

In exactly 40 days I will hit a significant milestone in the birthday department. That’s right people. I’m turning 40. I decided the best way I could ever celebrate with my IHGB friends and readers is to announce a little service project I’m calling “40 Random Acts of Kindness.” Here’s how it works: WHAT:  Simply seek out a moment to bless someone with a random act of kindness. WHEN:  The

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