Tag Women Tell All

IHGB Podcast #157: Who will Peter choose?

Women Tell All is a strange phenomenon of a show. One might surmise that a DVR which touts 120-minuets of ladies sharing all the things is television just begging to be watched. One might be wrong.  The good news is that the producers set the bar really high with a theatrical rose ceremony worthy of our time. Is Madison going to join her fellow contestants at the Home Depot pillar? Or

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Bachelor Peter Recap: The women tell each other off

Women Tell All is a strange phenomenon of a show. One might surmise that a DVR which touts 120-minuets of ladies sharing all the things is television just begging to be watched. One might be wrong.  The good news is that the producers set the bar really high with a theatrical rose ceremony worthy of our time and hearty helping of champagne. Is Madison going to join her fellow contestants

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Bachelor Ben recap: The women (and a chicken) tell all

Bachelor Ben Recap — Women Tell All We’ve been watching The Bachelor for 20+ seasons. Everyone knows that the “Women Tell All” episode is notorious for including the following: Lots of cleavage. Major eyelashes. Women wearing tiny skirts, that barely cover the nether regions, who are encouraged to sit in translucent chairs. Tans that come from a bottle. That girl in the back row who talks the entire time, yet

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Women Tell All

First off, let me say how excited I am to see all you spoiler-loving people chatting it up on the message board.  I’m so glad I gave you a place to figure out what the heck is going on.  And I’m so glad that I have been strong enough to NOT PEEK ONCE!  Look at me and all my will power.  Go Lincee…go Lincee…it’s your birthday…not really.   This is

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